Roman’s Superstitious Beliefs.

What else could be better than having a nice cup of tea with some fresh baked chocolate cookies on a beautiful Saturday morning. The cookies are really delicious, they are usually baked by Antonia as she is good in baking. Well it has been a strenuous week for me though, with all the busy schedules I hardly have time to rest. This week, I had been busy with lots of religious ceremony.

Roman religion is divided into two. Spirit watched over people, families, and household, and the paterfamilias who is in charge of the household worship. Romans over here belief and worship in many gods and spirit. Every Roman has it own worship. Romans also had a set of public god, such as Jupiter. The very first and the largest temple in Roman Empire is the Temple of Jupiter Optimus Maximus also known as the Temple of Jupiter Capitolinus. The temple is located on the Capitaline hill. The temple was built to honor Jupiter and also other gods such as Juno and Minerva. The temple is the most important temple in the Roman Empire.

Jupiter is the Father of the gods and the greatest god. He was the king of the gods and the god of sky and thunder. He was called Iuppiter Optimus Maximus (“Father God the Best and Greatest”). As the patron deity in the Roman Empire, Jupiter ruled over laws and social order. He was also the chief god of the Capitoline Triad, with Juno, who is his sister and also his wife. Jupiter is also the father of the god Mars.

"Jupiter et Thétis" by Jean Ingres, 1811.

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